
29 October 2022

The national UCU vote has made it absolutely clear what we think of the pay, conditions, and pensions foisted on us by our employers. 81.14% are in favour of taking industrial action, which will be national and much easier to coordinate this time. It is our last real chance to make a difference to the quality of our lives and the quality of higher education. We must make it count, each and every one of us, by supporting all the action on all occasions. 

There is a national UCU meeting on Monday where we will be represented and where the campaign will be discussed. You will be kept up to date by the national UCU and we will do likewise through our own emails and this website.

Please make sure your UCU membership email is correct. We can only use the one you say is preferred and you might have changed it since registering. If you are not receiving emails from us, check your membership on the UCU website.