We are all on strike: Thursday, Friday, and Wednesday: November 24,25, & 30

23 November 2022

You have had plenty of emails from Head Office about the industrial action coming up and you should have received some from us, the local branch. Unfortunately, Aston's email server is still making life difficult for us. We are emailing from the domain name, astonucu.org, and they have recognised that as legitimate. But it is still falling foul of spam filters and quarantine. Check those too. In the meantime, I have asked them to exclude us from the filters.

Now, we must make this industrial action count. That means every union member has to be on strike tomorrow and as many as possible joining our picket lines, which start at 11.30 on Thursday. It is essential that we have some muscles to flex and this is the time to do it.

This is what Jo Grady sent out today and it is worth relaying here:

t's less than 24 hours until 70,000 UCU members deliver the biggest picket lines that higher education has ever seen. Every member. Every branch. Every university. Tomorrow we commence the process of changing our sector forever - not a step backwards. 

We have built the platform to win this dispute; a record breaking ballot result, an inspiring campaign. But voting yes in the ballot was not enough. Withdrawing your labour is not enough. We need every single one of you that can attend to be on the picket line tomorrow. We need to send shockwaves through our employers. We cannot leave anything behind.

Join me at 7PM TONIGHT on YouTube, Facebook and Twitter as we all gear up for the fight of our lives tomorrow. We need you all on there and we need every member, student and supporter flooding the comments to show just how much support we will have on the picket lines tomorrow.Let’s do this. UCU and proud.

In solidarity
Jo Grady
UCU general secretary

Let's do this! See you on the picket lines